<< | 2004-02-02 @ 10:40 a.m. | >>
clear plastic bonnets

When I am old, and it is raining, I'm going to wear one of those plastic bonnets, that ties over your white hair and under your chin.

They're so convenient.

I think I want mine to be clear, with a red tie; or maybe I'll go for pink, on those wild days. No, I know---translucent yellow. That's what it'll be.

I think I am experiencing the first signs of burn-out. This schedule is killin' me. I tried to do my homework this weekend, and it was like climbing throught 3 briar-infested jungle labyrinths. I'm not lying or exaggerating either.

When I finally did manage to get going, late Sunday afternoon during the SuperBowl, I realized that I had lost my homework directions; the page with the questions to answer. I think it was God-ordained.

So, I answered the questions I could answer, and made Chinese chicken wings. They were really good too. I caught the end of the Game, held my favorite little foster baby in the world, and ate chicken wings.

My good news from yesterday... I actually took notes for the sunday sermon, not because I felt it was my duty; but, because I actually was riveted by what was being taught. Unfortunately, it has been a long, long, time since I've been blessed by a sermon. Thank you Pastor.

Signing off, considering I'm at work.

with love, Trace

It's raining like crazy

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