<< | 2003-10-16 @ 5:10 pm | >>
enough is just as good as a feast

Life is art. Frame it.

Tania coming into town is beautiful. Treasure it.

Being born is amazing. Celebrate it.

Coming to a decision is difficult. Congratulate it.

Committing is even more difficult. Go for it.

Having this Friday off of work is exceptional. Cling to it.

Did you know that today was the birthday of both my 1/2 Asian friends...Kerri Takeuchi and David Lim...was Think Pink day at my work...was a good day for going out to lunch?

Last night I went to a German feast (aka Oktoberfest). We ate beer brots, cabbage rolls, Ulna (or something like that), and a lot of other things. It was for a small group.

The home was beautiful.

I've been thinking a lot about money lately. Actually, last night specifically, as we were sitting in the hot tub with the little water fall fountain that hits your head and shoulder with just the perfect amount of pressure to make you believe for two minutes that you're in some exotic location far removed from the every-day, I was thinking about how we were laughing and playing, and enjoying all this luxury in security. Suddenly I became aware of the reality that there were little children shaking with fever and starvation...women being shattered by brutal overtakers...and I was sobered.

Sometimes, I'm disgusted at the kind of Christian I feel like I am and am surrounded by.

I listened to a speech by Elie Weisel a little over a year ago, titled the Perils of Indifference.

Understanding the call to spend ourselves on behalf of the hungry helps me comprehend the possibility of dying to ourselves.

It is difficult to die to yourself surrounded by such indulgence.

And though I do not plan on becoming a self-proclaimed ascetic, I do wonder if a bit more simplicity might do well for my spiritual growth.

In his speech, Elie Weisel said that the one comfort he and his Jewish companions gave themselves while in the concentration camps was the thought that the leaders and people of the free world did not know what was going on, did not know what was happening.

But we did.

I have the internet today. I can see the orphans in Africa crying. I know of the oppression of lack of information in parts of Asia. I see little girls being used or discarded. Hell, I even hear of the battered women living just down the street.

To whom much has been given, much will be expected.

This entry went a little deeper than I expected.

I read somewhere that we need more superheroes today.

Jesus is my superhero.

"And you will have power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you..."

"The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is upon me, because He has anointed me to preach good news..."


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