<< | 2003-11-04 @ 5:04 p.m. | >>
raindrops keep fallin' on my head...

It's already dark outside. I hate it when it gets dark early. It makes me sad...that's why I'm going to the gym.

The release of endorphins.

Matt left. Coop is gone.

I feel really lonely tonight.

I miss old friends. I want to write an impromptu song about old friends--

Old friends, old friends,

You're the best...

When you're gone,

I can't hack the test

-ing that happens to me

as result of your absentee


Come back I'd say

But then I'd feel

More pathetic

and Incompetent.

So busta little rhyme with me

Old friends surely

Bring harmony

Then we're not left like this...

just a girl

full of off poetry.

I feel a bit better. A bit relieved. A bit catharted. (no, I am not sure if catharted is a word)

I guess old friends were always new friends at some point. (How's that for a deep thought?)

That brings me to the 3 people of the moment:

-my roommates Jordana and Tara, who I laughed really hard with this morning

-and Trisha -- who helped me right along in the purchase of my new really great coat (not to mention 2 sweaters and some closed-toe shoes for work); oh, and a purse and a wallet (my old ones were both broken-- I promise!) ;)

Love, me

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