<< | 2004-07-31 @ 9:20 p.m. | >>
what does this feel like?

I used a friend of mine for his arm and shoulder at the movie the other night. With his permission of course. Afterward, I thanked him, and he said "no problem. It was nice."

Sometimes I just need to be appreciated for my softness.

I wrote something in my journal a few weeks back. Here is an excerpt, with a few minor changes:

Sometimes this life is so hard.

I have a skin condition called keratosis pilaris. I pick at the tiny bumps it causes on my arms, because it is so numbing. Like counting. I just run my fingerprints across the surface, feeing for hidden pockets.


Words, description, and cadence are pushing and shoving their way into my mind's flow. 'How should I craft these words more beautifully?' They keep asking. 'Where can I improve my pacing?' 'Is this making sense?'


I am holding a velvety knit throw that shimmers tones of bright red to deep, shadowy crimson across my lap. I contemplate laying it upon the ground, wrapping myself in it, being covered by its provision, all in symbolic representation of Christ's sacrifice.


Last night, a six-week old puppy rested its warm belly between my breasts, and reached its neck to brush my chin wet with its tongue.

It was the first time I stopped counting in three weeks.

Sometimes I just need a connection.

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