<< | 2003-09-17 @ 4:44 p.m. | >>
quieting down


Do you know that feeling when you're so bored, it's as if your head is being crushed in a vice. Very different from the kind of vice that comes from a head cold, like on those decongestant commercials; it's actually more like a vice that grips your ribs, and squeezes your heart until it has no will. Because, conversely you see, if your heart was free, you would act accordingly, so one must squeeze it into submission. This is accomplished most ubiquitously through boredom. Trust me.

I think I just made myself smile, by accurately utilizing the word ubiquitously. No small task.

Tonight I plan on holding a two month old. If ever there comes a time in my life when I suffer from severe mental anguish, I will make sure that my doctor prescribes a strict regime of baby holding. It is therapy in its hightest form.

This particular baby is just over 2 months old. His name is Joseph. He is a foster baby at a friend's house. He has already moved, in his two months, as many times as I had moved in 18 years. That's quite a feat for such a small one.

The other night I lulled him to sleep on my chest by breathing with a deep and steady rhythm. He stilled, and then in turn lulled me to sleep with his warm little breath on my neck. His soft head was sweating against my cheek.

I hope other girls don't feel the need to steal him from me.

I would let them have their turn you know. It's how I am. With babies and friends. We women have this weird ownership thing, but I don't like it. I've seen it in men too. I remember being with a newer guy friend, and running into a guy friend with a longer history, and watching them scope each other out. "Who is going to be the alpha dog?," they ask the other. It's more or less just humorous when they do it.

Before I close, I will share my wisdom I have gained in the last, Oh, 24 hours. A few tid-bits at least:

1-If your bosses give you nothing else to do, create an online diary, and fascinate yourself for hours while getting paid; moreover, do it guilt free!

2-Don't hang out with David Lim on weekdays; you always end up staying up too late.

3-Back massages in the work place are a beautiful thing.

4-Giving out your work's 800 number ensures at least a few personal phone calls from other states during the day.

5-When moving into a new room, always have your mom bring up her power drill.

Until tomorrow, I leave you with this thought: If I hadn't got up this morning, I would not have been able to talk to China via IM, eat leftover tofu, or pontificate on the virtues of boredom. Yeah, let that one float around for a while.

With love,


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