<< | 2003-09-22 @ 11:27 a.m. | >>
passion, contemplation, and reflection

"Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you've got to say, and say it hot." -D.H. Lawrence

That quote captures something I aspire to in my life.

I want to tell you about my weekend...parts of it at least.

Though Friday evening began frustrating, after a new tapestry and mirror from Pier 1, it started looking up. After doing some work in my room (I delayed the inevitable cleaning of the closet by builing a little 2-drawer storage unit), I went to Sarah H's house and her and I sat in her hot-tub. She knows me well, and she loves me, and so she let me dump all the churnings regarding filling out my doctrinal questionnaire, and help me find what was really bothering me behind the question.

After that, I went to Simpson's parking lot, where my friends Matt and Jamie were preparing to have a big yard-sale. Seven of us sat on over-priced couches while roasting marshmallows and melting chocolate between graham crackers over a back packing stove. Erin had just read "Deep Thoughts" the day before with her sisters, and they were still fresh in her mind. She entertained us all. I could not stop laughing.

I think though, that between crying with Sarah, and laughing in a parking lot at 2 in the morning, something in me healed.

It is of my opinion that, during the day, and during the week, we all need lots of little healings. Stuff just piles up. Even more so for the sensitive soul. It's something I try to stay aware of when handling life---

Saturday morning, I woke up ready for Jordana and Tara to move in.

I was blessed in church Sunday morning. Our pastor was talking about the reality of possible change in our lives. He based if off the text in 2 Corinthians--chapter 3:16-19.

"But whoever turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into His likeness, with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit."

Bill told us that change was possible, and that it happened through contemplation. Contemplation being, reflecting on the Lord with no agenda.

Praise God -- not another prescription.

I want to close with my highlights from the weekend, a few of which (hot-tubbing, laughing in the parking lot, and Bill's message) I have already touched on.

-Eating Thai food with Jordana and Tara

-Purchasing molly-bolts at Home Depot, all the while taking full advantage of the fact that I was a young woman, and it was the due expectation that I should receive help finding any and everything my heart desired, for all my apartment refurbishing needs

-Having an organized closet for the first time

-Laughing with Matt when he drilled huge holes in my walls to put up my new mirror

-Driving up to Whiskeytown with David Lim, and not having to say anything

-Eating ice cream with Erin (and then Gabe and Matt R. too)

-Realizing I could call Coop while I was driving home

-Praying with Christina Lim

-Hanging out outside of Denny's, with just a couple people, telling stories about the bathroom experiences of China (complete with demonstrations of the essential squatting position), while everyone else was inside

-Telling Tara "what really happened" with an old friend, and remembering why it was I had loved so deeply

-going to sleep with a red and black silk Chinese tapestry behind me

My lows this weekend, were fleeting.

With love, Trace

P.S. I hope you enjoy the pink China blossoms as much as I do.

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