<< | 2003-09-27 @ 2:23 a.m. | >>
Dr. Weiner

Last night I worked from 8:45 am to 8:45 pm, with an hour lunch. That's 11 hours paid, with three of those being overtime.

I would like to share with you the phone call of the day, and the story continues into today at work as well.

It was approximately 7:00. I was the only one there--it being so late and all.

"Thank you for calling MD Imaging; how may I help you?"

"Yeah, this is Dr. Weiner."

We're just gonna let that one sink in for a while.

Now I'll tell you that it's pronounced "Dr. WINER" (with a long-I sound; not a long-E...wait, am I actually talking about long sounds here?) snicker

"Um, my office faxed over an order this evening for an exam we need to get done tomorrow."

"OK." I hate it when doctors call asking for an exam that they need today or tomorrow. It's our policy to accomodate them, which means moving patients. So I asked Dr. Weiner what kind of exam it was.

"An ultrasound of the testicles."

We went on with the scheduling as sanely as possible.

I looked in the computer, and saw there was, miraculously, one ultrasound opening for the following day.

In the Women's Imaging department.

Thank you Dr. Weiner for the last minute irony concerning the scrotal ultrasound in the women's imaging department.

Oh, but wait. The story hasn't reached it's ... not gonna say it.

I went to ask the technician the following morning (this morning) if it was OK, because we're technically not supposed to put those kinds of exams in the women's imaging department (for obvious reasons), but I knew the technologist was trained in the procedure.

Let me tell you just how well she was trained.

As I was asking her if she was OK doing the exam, she said yes, though it is a rather awkward exam. She continued to explain that when they're in the 20-40 age bracket, the level of discomfort increases significantly. (Dr. Weiner's patient happened to be 25)... She said that there are the strong silent types who pretend to sleep and the chatters, who do not stop talking through the entire exam.

"You wanna know something really funny about this exam though?" she asked.


"That's actually how I met my fiance...he was a talker."

"I guess that's one way to bring down the walls," I replied.

So that, my friends, was my phone call of the day--Thursday Sept 25 2003.

Sleepily, Trace

P.S. It's after 9:30.

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