<< | 2003-10-06 @ 11:20 a.m. | >>
weekend excerpts

If you look in the top of this box, you will see that it's 11:20, Monday morning. I'm at work.

Today is the day I'm supposed to hear back about the job, and I find myself toppling back and forth between anxiety and peace.

This is my current conclusion:

It is inspired by the song by Matt Redman called "Blessed be the Name" inspired by the book of Job.

The Lord gives and the Lord takes away...Blessed be the name of the Lord.

That is my goal--irregardless of the verdict on the job, may my heart trust deeply in the God who is for us.

Shifting tones--I had a wonderful weekend. It was just fun, fun, fun; but not the outrageous kind, just the happy, really at peace and content kind. A quick synopsis:

-Friday night: ate a big BBQed turkey, courtesy of Tara's dad, with Matt and Tara--then drove to Chico to pick up David Lim. While there, we hung out at Starbuck's, saw my little brother, saw Dave's little brother, ate at Jon 'n Bon's, walked around downtown, went to Upper Bidwell park, ran through the sprinklers on the golf field, bought donuts at Krispy Kreme, and drove home, arriving at around 3:30 or so.

-Saturday: met with Matt and Trisha about the retreat, then went to the lake with Erin, Matt, Brandon, and Ari. Then went to a BBQ for the CMA. Dave picked me up, once my ADD kicked in, and we went and grabbed Erin and went to the lake again, after stopping by the Bucks on the way. Eric was working--it was nice to see him. We played guitars and chatted and talked and sang at the lake--Erin, David and I. Then we went and took Erin to work, got In 'n Out, and went back to her work into another late night.

-Sunday: Kami woke me up bright and early with boy trouble. I fell back asleep, and was late to church, so I talked to my mom and dad, and got the tail end of church. Erin, David and I fed ourselves with Costco samples, then we dispersed. I went shopping for a bit, then home, then to Erin's house for her birthday dinner. Got to the Stirring, went to Black Bear after church with Dave's family, Erin, Matt, and Trisha, and then to Matt's apartment. Where we all fell asleep. Somehow at midnight, taking a "power nap" seemed like a feasible option.

My what a lively crowd we were.

That was my weekend. I had a very good time.

Love, trace

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