<< | 2003-10-28 @ 5:11 p.m. | >>
in and out

There is something I want to write about.

This morning, I woke up (again) feeling overwhelmed. This afternoon, I was not. In fact, this afternoon, the thought of going to China in about 8 months, sounded really exciting. And it was exciting to me that Matt is going to the Philippines.

Really cool in fact.

I just wanted to get it in writing, because, for some reason, though I have dreamt of living overseas, and touching the oppressed, it has seemed especially scary lately. So I wanted to record my excitement.

I even felt open-handed about making new friends, and being OK with the old ones being far away! (If any of you knew how truly a big deal that is, you'd be responding right now)...wait, most of you do know what a big deal that is for me. ;)

I talked to Kami in Colorado yesterday and today; Esther in New York, and Tania in Washington yesterday. I called Coop in Texas, and left a message. Technology is good I say.

I only have 15 more minutes of work. Then I'm going to the gym. Then to Matt's to help him pack.

It's going to be hard for him to go, but hopefully, blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.

I am off.

But before I go, I would like to note that today was another excellent leaf-crunching day.

Love, Trace

P.s. Person of the moment:

Esther Thompson - for her consistent love and grace; for the fact that she's moving back to California soon; for being a forever friend; and for never putting a limit on how long or how many times something bothers me.

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