<< | 2003-12-18 @ 5:04 p.m. | >>
whoa is me

OK, so, many of you know the perils of my job... namely, answering phones.

Let me tell you about my day. Every 2-3 months I hit a wall with my job. I feel purposeless, meaningless, passionless, and bored. It generally lasts about a week, and then I can pep-talk myself through it, or stuff it all down.

Today was especially difficult to stuff.

I talked to my friend Annette about it briefly this morning. Annette, incidentally, is quitting soon.

I ran into my friend Nate, and he asked me how my day was.

"*%$#ty" I replied. (Sorry, that just accurately described the day)

So Nate and I went to lunch.

I called my friend Kami in Colorado and whined to her during my break.

These are my coping mechanisms. Tell Annette. Go to lunch with Nate. Whine to my close friends in other states.

I used them all today.

This afternoon, my supervisor and facility manager called me down to a meeting. (My heart is sinking even as I write this).

Due to the fact that Annette is leaving, rather than hiring a new person, they are simply going to move me downstairs.

I am demoted to full time phone answerer.

A sentence worse than death.

I thank God for His provision, but I think I see this as a great big push into my next step -- whatever it may be.

My eyes are all welled up with tears. I am thoroughly discouraged.

Love, Trace

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