<< | 2003-12-22 @ 5:16 p.m. | >>
and the plot thickens

First off--

I would like to say thank you to those who prayed for me. My friend Matt even called me "Saint Tracey," because I told him about how I went home Thursday night, after seeing Return of the King and talking to a friend; then cried and prayed, "Jesus help me." He said he had just studied a saint who prayed that way. Strangely enough, it lifted me up. As did the rest of you that sent your love. Thank you.

Let me tell you about Friday. I was still crying in the morning. I just felt like the rug was pulled out from under me. I would get choked up every time I would try to give my little phone answering shpeel, and have to hold back my sobs.

I decided that something, really, must be done about this.

I got on the phone.

First to Simpson College: "Can I still get in for the credentialing program this spring?"


Great. I have an interview on the 2nd.

Next I called ELIC: (I had applied for a university teaching program/master's degree program that would take me to China). I found out I would have to make a 3 and not 2 year commitment. I would also have to raise the entire 1300/month expense in support x 3 years. That was too much. Closed door.

Third: I talked to the manager and my supervisor. They can transfer me to another department where I will not have to on the phones all day long. BUT I would have to take $1/hour pay cut. I am willing to do this.

I talked to another executive today, and will attempt to negotiate that down to 50cents/hour instead of $1.

Stay posted. But as of now -- I am credentialing, transferring, and not going to China this fall. And I feel great about the decision.

But honestly -- thank you for your kindness.

On a happy note. I saw Return of the King twice. Thursday with friends, and Sunday with my family.

It was incredible. My favorite movie ever.

I love movies in which the things which are not (aka short folk) put to shame those which are.




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