<< | 2003-12-30 @ 4:50 p.m. | >>
some questions

I have a few questions running around my mind right now...

1)If you could change anything about your life, what would it be;

2)Who is the Lord of the Rings character you most identify with?; and

3)Am I or am I not going to have some m'n'm's?

Third question first: yes. A couple.

My new year's resolution this year was to be "in shape." I defined being "in shape" as: wearing a bikini in public without people feeling the need to whisper behind your back that you shouldn't be wearing that. I went on the Atkins diet for the Holiday season in a hope to help meet my resolution. I didn't cheat at all for almost 4 weeks. I went down to the lower end of my normal weight, and there I stayed. I remember telling Coop about my plan: "I know I'm just buying into our culture's sickness, but I don't care." I further explained to my brother and sister-in-law my reasoning, "I am sick of being the short and round one...the little sister to all of mankind." I got a chuckle from a man eavesdropping behind us about that one.

But, my physical appearance is not the one thing I would change.

I watched Mona Lisa Smile this weekend with my mom and aunt; undeniably, a chick flick. I identified with one of the characters, apart from her chain smoking. Her character's name was Connie. Watching her, made me not want to be a Julia Stiles or Kirsten Dunst. We all need a little softness in our lives. We can't all be Barbie dolls. Gets a little boring.

I'm digressing. My point is that isn't what I would change.

I wish my life was more simple. Mainly I'm thinking materially.

I am tired of wanting too many things. I'm tired of my clutter and all the rest. I really want to be less bound up in it. I want to be simple. And compassionate.

But seriously, the undertaking of that seems more daunting than those last 10 pounds.

I have seen The Return of the King 3 times. So I've naturally been thinking about the characters, and why it is I love the story so much.

But this entry is already long. And I am ready to go home.

With love, Trace

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